Monday, September 16, 2013

School Board Meeting September 12, 2013

It seems as if I have done this before. I am currently in Chicago at a dairy board meeting that starts tomorrow. I probably stay busier  doing other things besides staying at home and running my dairy, than I should. I guess I just try and make a positive difference by being so involved in so many things.

Well on to the meeting. I sure like having the meetings at the middle school library more than the auditorium. It sure is easier to have a discussion without having to worry about the auditorium sound system.

We first recognized Rachel Schiess for her efforts writing a grant and working on the elementary library. She should know pretty soon if the school will get the grant. We then accepted the resignations of Cherise Alvey teaching in the middle school, and Rachel Olsen as the softball coach. Cherise has serious health  issues that forced her to resign. She has been a very good dedicated teacher, and she will be missed. Bryon Moratz was hired to replace Mrs. Alvey. 

We then had a fairly long discussion about our school board walk through of the schools. There is some cosmetic outside problems with the middle school that need fixed. The roof is also getting close to the age where it might need to be replaced. There is carpet issues like usual. We talked about the idea of removing the haul carpets in the middle school and high school, and polishing the cement floor. 

The elementary is getting old and there was some concern expressed about what we might need to do when the infamous boiler quits working. The roof has had some leaking issues, but only in the newest part that was built in 1991. The old siding looks pretty bad. But the building itself is sound. There was some discussion about the costs to do major repairs and options of what could be done when this day comes. Would we consider remodeling the building, building a new building, or abandoning the building and add onto the middle school, to bring the elementary students into the middle school. For strategic planing purposes, we talked about how to go about having someone come to the elementary building to give us cost estimates and ideas of how to replace or repair different things. I suggested we didn't need to have such a detailed plan that we would need to hire someone to do this. I don't know how the heating system for example could be replaced, but I would guess there is a way to replace it and put in some air conditioning. The heating bill is a lot higher than the middle school, but if we improved the outside of the building, insulation could probably be added. Bottom line for me. I will have a hard time being convinced the old elementary, which I think was mostly built in 1962, is anywhere close to the point that we need to consider abandoning it. We have a lot of extra rooms in it, so crowding issues isn't a concern either.

The high school overall looks pretty good. The high school is undergoing the same process as the elementary building did a couple years ago of getting new lighting. Even the old Ag shop will get new lights. We later talked about the parking and bus lane issue by the high school. We might decide to make the improvements in stages. If the costs of a project is kept under $25,000 a year, we don't have to put it up for bids and can probably save  money overall. We will get more ideas about this by next board meeting. 

We approved the Differentiated Pay plan that we had talked about in depth during two previous meetings. Mr. Tubbs had a guideline written up about how this could all be done, which I thought was written very  well. We were told by the press in attendance that on this issues we were way ahead of most other districts getting this plan done. It was good to hear. 

The strategic planning committee met once with about twelve in attendance. I suggested the committee needs to have recommendations to the board in time to go forward with a supplemental levy next spring, if it is determined that we need one, and for how much. 

We had a technology update given to us. Destry is working hard to update the wireless in the buildings, and improve the district web site. We are going to get fiber optics in the elementary school soon. There hasn't been a good way to have dependable Internet in the elementary school. It is a big job trying to use new technology with old, but progress is being made. 

Some teachers were in attendance to talk about the flex program in the middle school and high school. If students have all their assignments turned in and are not failing classes, they get an extra half hour just before lunch. They can go to the library and study or just visit. There is plans for some fun activities for the students to do. On Thursdays the high school students can leave and have a full hour lunch break. The students that have problems have to spend this time in the classes they are having problems in. There is a lot of pier pressure to improve grades and get assignments in. It was expressed how this is a way to reward good habits, instead of always punishing students for bad habits all the time. Darvel Jolley told us in all his years of teaching, I think he said twenty eight years, he has never had his students do so well having their work turned in. He has 107 students in his classes and only had two students with their work not current, and even those two had good excuses. They also said students are  helping other students study to improve their grades. I guess there had been quite a few students in the past who would get way behind turning in their work close to the end of the semester or the school year that would be on the verge of failing, and maybe risking grade advancement or graduation. It looks like this flex program will greatly improve this situation. I would think overall grades should improve too. 

The Education Foundation gave a report. They have a goal to raise $20,000. We were presented a plan of how they are going to go about doing this. It listed how tax deductions are used, to encourage donations. A donor can donate to something specific if they choose to. Their efforts to reward students for perfect attendance seems to be working well so far also. Little kids get really excited about small rewards. Their efforts to help improve attendance should improve our school funding. The foundation has also been doing a lot to improve the elementary library. If you have a chance you should look at the room. My wife made all the little padded chairs, I think they call them poofs. The kids really like them. 

We talked a little about this years school board convention in North Idaho this year. I won't be able to attend, but I think some might. 

I think that was about all we talked about. I get home Thursday evening and will probably try and go to the foundation meeting. I am getting pretty good at typing on my iPad. I know my punctuation and grammar isn't always correct, but I do my best. I hope you find this information beneficial. If you have comments or questions let me know. Brian    

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Letter to the Editor, New P.E. Requirements

Letter to the editor

Just what our school district needs, more unfunded mandates from the state. How can the State Department of Education require more P.E. credit requirements without at least restoring more funding to the schools first. When our district was faced with deep funding cuts, we let go of one of our P.E. teachers to reduce our deficit spending. If we have to rehire a P.E. teacher to meet these new requirements it will be a big burden on our district. Also requiring the extra credit will limit some students elective options. These issues should be left up to each district to decide. Maybe when the state restores our funding to pre -recession levels, they could consider these changes. If it was put off until the funding is restored, it will probably never happen, because I very much doubt the funding will ever go back to those levels.   

Brian Esplin 
Firth School Board Member