Saturday, February 18, 2017

February 9th, 2017 School Board Meeting

It's been a long time since I wrote a blog. During this month's meeting, some long discussed issues where finally voted on. I have some thoughts about these decisions I wanted to express. 

Our work meeting started at 7:00. I personally don't like work meetings for most things. If patrons come for just the board meetings they will get the summary of what we talked about without knowing the context of our discussions. Next month we are going to meet at 7:00, and go right into board meeting without a work session. Maybe we will go this route for a while, I'm not sure.

We talked about the school closers. Everyone but the seniors are still okay with the time in class. As of now the seniors will have to make up about 5 hours of class time. If no more school days are canceled, the seniors will have to make up the time at the end of the year. 

We talked at length about the curriculum survey. It was a shorter version of the first survey we did. The results were about the same. Parents want to have a music program for their kids. Kids were again least interested in music. Kids want more hands on programs like wood working and metal work. There were several parents there encouraging the idea for music. I have had concerns about taking away an elementary teacher to open a teaching position to hire a music teacher. After much talk and interaction with those present, we later approved Mr. Tubbs hire a music teacher. There were a lot of comments about needing to hire the right teacher. Someone energetic who would inspire the kids. I suggested isn't that what we want in any new teacher. So Mr. Tubbs will have a lot of pressure to find this perfect music teacher. I voted to hire a teacher, but I have to admit I'm very skeptical it will work out, like many others think it will. I mentioned all my kids started piano lessons at some point in their youth, only one of my six kids can now actually play well. I hope it works out, but I also believe we can't support it for many years if the program fails to achieve much success. Much like our challenge to the girls soccer program several years ago, it has to grow into a viable program or we will need to give up and try something else.

Speaking of soccer. We also had a lengthy discussion about the boys soccer program. Several boys and some parents talked about how much they enjoyed it and that many of the boys wouldn't be doing any other sport without soccer. I think the board has always supported having a boys team, but the challenge has been the funding. When we originally approved the trial program for the boys we also said we would need to restore funding for coaches that coach for free. The C team and I think most of the junior high coaches don't get paid. The funding for the boys soccer would be around $4,000 a year. To restore the other coaches pay would cost another $9,000. We also don't know yet if the state will increase our M&O budget that could help us fund these costs. In the end I made the motion that we continue boys soccer as a club, and if after the legislative session is over and we decide we had the funds to cover these costs, we could vote to fund the coaches and boys soccer then. This brings up a question, that I and others struggle with. With such limited funds, is it more important to fund boys soccer and the coaches, or somehow use the money to help fund other educational elective programs? If anyone has an opinion about this I would like to hear it. 

Their is the expectation over time that the district will be able to increase elective options. Over the next couple years there will be several teachers retiring or leaving to teach somewhere else. There is the possibility that new teachers would be certified in more areas than the teachers they would be replacing. There is a teacher very close to being able to teach drama. So maybe drama will soon be an option. It's very hard in a small district like our to have teachers with multiple certifications. I hope patrons can be patient as the district works toward giving our students more elective options.

Well that's probably enough said. I will try and find the time to write a blog more often. This winter has been challenging in my business. If anyone has a comment or question, I would be glad to hear it. 
Thank, Brian