Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Supplemental Levy Spending Projections

Firth School District # 59
Two Year Supplemental Levy 
Amount:$ 300,000                                                                                                                                        Duration: Two Years        (2018 - 2019 / 2019 – 2020)   
Date:       February 8, 2018                                                                                                                                                  Cost per:
Levy Amount 
Current Property Value
Cost per $100,000

Year 1 (2018 – 2019)

$ 300,000
Middle School Roof

High School Roof 
$  62,000

HS / MS Music Program
$ 10,000

$ 300,000

Year 2 (2019-2020)

$ 300,000
Bus Barn Removal / Replace / Repair
$  150,000

Elm/MS/HS – Asphalt Repair /Replace
$    27,000

Middle School Berm Removal / Wall Repair
$    48,000

High School Removal of Floor Tile / Polish Concrete Floor
$    25,000

Middle School Windows / Repair / Replace
$    20,000

Middle School Doors / Locks / Interior Repairs
$    20,000

HS / MS Music Program
$    10,000

$ 300,000

Levy Proposal for 2018
Current Property Value
Cost per 
Increase over current levy (annually)
Increase over current levy (monthly)

(Levy amount) divided by (county property valuation) equals (mill) 
(mil) times (property value) equals (amount of tax per year)                                                                             (amount of tax per year) divide by 12 (months) equals (amount of tax per month)

Other local school districts
Snake River
Plant Facilities ( 10 years)
$ 750.00
Supplemental   (2 years)
$ 675.00
Supplemental  (2 years)
$ 575.00

Supplemental Levy Information

I was asked if I would put out the Supplemental Levy information on my blog. This is the breakdown from the district. There will be more information sent out about this I believe next week. 

I would like to explain more why we are asking for this Levy. Our middle school is 25 years old. Because of its age it is needing some expensive maintenance. The shingle roof is original and over the last couple of years has had some leaking problems. We were told that every time a leak is patched it cost approximately $5,000. To me this is a not a responsible way to spend the district's money. When the roof is replaced these expensive patches will be tore off and replaced too. 

The oldest part of the high school roof also leaks and has had patches. Some ceiling tiles recently fell down in the gym, from moisture caused by a leak. 

The first year of the Supplemental Levy funding will be mostly spent on a new shingle roof for the middle school and replacement of the roofing on the old part of the high school. The remainder of the funds would be spent on supporting the new music program. They would like to get new music, repair the old school owned instruments, and work toward buying some new instruments. Some of the school instruments were used clear back when I was in elementary school. That was a long time ago. 

A big portion of the second year of funding would be used on the bus barn. The biggest problem is the bus shop is to small to hold a bus inside, so when he needs to work on one he often has to do it all outside. The barn itself is also to small to hold the busses. Exactly the best solution with the barn hasn't been determined yet. But something needs done. 

Another problem with the middle school is the dirt berms around most of the walls. The berms help insulate the building saving energy costs, but in many places moisture has worked its way between the berm and cement walls. This has caused water getting into the building, damaging floors and walls. The plan is to remove the berms in at least the worse places and repair the leaks in the walls. The berms wouldn't be put back. Many of the windows in the middle school have been replaced, but there are a lot more that need replaced. The doorways into the building also need repaired and new locks need installed. 

There are many areas around all the buildings where the asphalt has big cracks. It needs to be repaired to keep it from getting worse and to make it safer to walk on. Removing of the floor tiles and polishing the cement in the high school, like they have done with most of the hallways is also planned. 

The last thing for the second year would be to put more money into the music program. These prices are estimates and things can vary, but there is a strong desire to support the music program. The community support for music coming back into the school has been very satisfying. I think we also have a great teacher who is very excited to grow the program into something we haven't had for many years. 

We don't get enough funding from the state to take care of these expensive maintenance needs. I don't want to keep paying for roof patches with no lasting benefit. There are other scheduled repairs and replacement projects planned out of other funding we have. I think all our buildings are sound and in overall good shape, but like any aging building, they do need maintenance to keep them that way. The Levy vote will be March 13th in the usual voting locations. There will also be early voting available in the county courthouse. 

I would encourage everyone to vote, and support our schools. We have a very conservative district. These funds will not be wasted. If you have any questions, please let me know. 

Thank you, Brian Esplin