Sunday, June 12, 2011

Followup to 6-6-11 email

I thought I would respond to some more of the questions asked in this email. Some of the questions I think were answered at our board meeting, and some are confidential, so I can't answer them.

There was a lot of questions about the personnel decisions. I can't get into this very much. We as a board met with the superintendent at 8:00 p.m. on the Tuesday after the levy vote to go over how we were going to make the cuts necessary. I have managed my dairy for over 30 years. I have never had to lay anybody off. Making these decisions was one of the hardest things I have ever had to be a part of. We knew we had to decide who had to be laid off that night so they could be informed. Knowing how lives would be changed made this a very somber meeting. We met that night until nearly 1:00 a.m. before we decided we couldn't go any longer. At the conclusion of the executive session, we went back into general session and voted to make the lay offs and changes that had been discussed.Teacher evaluations are done by the administrators not the school board. I don't even know personally all the teachers that were laid off. We met again the next Saturday morning and went over other budget matters.

You asked about the year end goals of the board and how well they were accomplished. The superintendent has goals every year that he presents to us that are reviewed. I don't think we as a board have had written goals. We talk about things we would like to accomplish but I don't remember this being very formal. I think it would be a good idea to improve this process.

You asked about the district office and administrative staff. They have all taken pay cuts. As it was pointed out in the board meeting, when the money came from the Federal Jobs Bill the teachers were given, as a bonus, the wages they were reduced for the year in their contracts, but the district staff did not receive any more money added to their wages. I heard in some other districts they took money out of their general funds to restore the funding to their administrators. I believe our district staff more than puts in the time required to fulfill their responsibilities. They are paid less than almost all other district administrators in the area. Mr. Tubbs is also taking on the added responsibility of being the Elementary Principal without receiving any more pay.

You ask about what our plan is for next year, and to plan on what more cuts we may have to make. I think we took a big step forward in this process at our board meeting, going to the four day week and open enrollment. There will be more discussions coming up soon about raising extracurricular fees, and changes about what we will pay for when groups go to state. Possibly raising school admission fees also. I believe with the added teacher discretion in salaries for the next school year, we may require one or two less teachers. Hopefully this can be done through attrition not lay offs. I am sure many more ideas will be discussed to save as much money as possible. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know and we can discuss them as a board.

The budget presented at the board meeting was figured very conservatively. Hopefully the state will restore some funding. There wasn't any money for windmills figured in the budget, because we don't know for sure how much we might get, if any. But I think you have to plan for the worst, and do all you can to make it better.

One final point you make is wanting the board to be more transparent and open with communications. I hope my efforts to write this blog and answer questions will help a little in this effort. I am not trying to hide anything. I would like the community to trust that we are trying our best to make the necessary decisions and we take none of these decisions lightly.

Thank you.

Brian Esplin

Friday, June 10, 2011

June school board meeting

In case you weren't there, I will give a summary of the business and decisions made at the meeting.
Ramona Mitchell resigned from the board for health reasons. Anyone who would like to be considered to being appointed to replace her can pick up an application at the district office, which will be available June 13th and needs to return it by July 7th. The term would be until the next election in May, at which time you could run to finish the term that would be for one more year. The zone is #5. At our next board meeting on July 14 the applicants will be interviewed, and the board will make the appointment that will officially start at the August 11th board meeting.

The budget was presented by Julie Cederberg the district business manager. Their was a break down given of where our budget stands. The staff reductions added up to a $248,700. Other cuts in revenue were explained also. The budget approved had a deficit of $232,346. We had a contingency reserve of $180,000 which leaves us with a deficit of $17,359. We are supposed to have a reserve of $200,000. So the board is going to have to look for any other savings we kind find.

There was a lot of discussion about the school calendar. I think a lot of people were wishing we could wait and decide the schedule at a later date, but the state wanted our calendar last month, so we had to decide it tonight. I have expressed my concerns about the four day week before. One comment by a teacher that really sold me on the idea of the four day week instead of just taking out more days was about consistency of the school week. Taking out more days leaves to long of gaps not in class. Four days you always have one day a week but not such long gaps out of school, like for example this past year we had two full weeks at Christmas. Under the new plan it is shortened to just over a week. The board approved the four day week with Fridays off. School will start on August 18th and the last day will be May 24th. The school day will start at 8:00 and end at 3:51. A very long day for little kids. There was concern about if there would be an extra recess for the young kids, and worry they would get to hungry with such a long day. Hopefully these concerns can be addressed to lessen the impact on them. The estimate was given that the district can save about $40,000 by going to this, which will help in the savings I mentioned we needed above. There were also comments made that in other districts the four day schedule helped improve attendance. If we can somehow get our attendance to go from 94% to 97% that alone would bring $100,000 more to the district.

The other main matter of business was a vote on open enrollment. There was surprisingly little talk about this issue. There was a policy change to allow this reviewed, with a list of guidelines. Some of which included making sure the number of students coming to a certain grade would not be large enough to impact the students already here. One was not to allow students here that were suspended or expelled from another school. And only one foreign exchange student would be allowed. These guidelines would be subject for review and changes can be made when necessary. Both of these policy changes would be for a one year trial. If it is determined that we should go back to a five day week or change back to closed enrollment it will be determined then.

There was a lot of concern brought up about Medicaid billing being done right. This is a new issue to me. I had not heard this brought up as a potential problem before. I think this will get looked at to make sure we are getting all of these funds we are able to get.

There was also a concern about public comments at board meetings not getting put into the minutes. I do believe they should get mentioned in the minutes. I have to admit I don't read them very much, I guess because I was there and know what was said.

One idea I heard that came out of the budget committee meeting yesterday was to have the education foundation come up with a list of things the school needs that the patrons could help to better fund. Like for example if it was determined one of the worst needs was to have money to replace a computer lab, patrons would be encouraged to donate through the foundation, so it can be easier to have it tax deductible. This would help improve the district in a way that everyone could identify. After the board meeting I asked Mr. Tubbs if he could ask for a presentation from the education foundation to better explain how the foundation operates, and so people know how to contribute.  He will see if a presentation can be given at our next board meeting.

I think I covered everything pretty much. If anyone has questions or comments let me know. Thank you, Brian

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Learning more how to blog

I found out tonight that my blog would not except comments. I fully intended to let people comment and ask more questions on my blog. I think I have it so anybody can comment now. I would like to know who is making the comments if possible. As I said this is all new to me. I also have a face book page under my name and school email, that I am still learning how to use also.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Response to email sent 6-6-11

I will answer some of the questions that were asked by a group of patrons. On some things I am waiting for more information to be able to give a more accurate response.
We are going to discuss open enrollment at our board meeting on the 9th. I think from past conversations, we will probably vote to have open enrollment and try it for a year. But as I have understood the process of allowing outside students come to Firth, I do think the rules were followed.

I answered a question to some others about a possible conflict of interest regarding having family members working in the school district. So I will respond to you as I did to them.
Since I am one who has a son working as a teacher for the district, I will tell you what my thoughts are about this. There is no policy against being on the board and having adult children working at the school. In some ways I don't think it is much different than having children going to school in the district. One reason I wanted to serve on the board was to try and help the schools succeed. I have a daughter that will be a sophomore and a granddaughter in 2nd grade with more grandchildren coming. My son was hired as a teacher before I became a board member. As a board member I don't have individual authority to hire or fire anyone. If, or when, my son might get recommended to be laid off by the administration, I won't stand in the way for that to happen. At this point my son has not been recommended to be laid off. I don't think as a board member I should be able to dictate how the administration manages the employees unless there is some kind of major concern that comes up.

I don't think there is any plans to combine K-8 in the same building. The elementary is the oldest building by far but it has the kitchen, so it would be hard to close it down. At this point it doesn't look like there is any practical way to close a building.

There are no current plans to have another levy. If the public encouraged us to consider one maybe we would. I think it is too early to say.

As far as board elections. Bart and I will continue as board members for a term of four more years, since no one ran against us in May. The other three board positions will all be up for election in two more years. The state changed this procedure I think before last years elections. I thought it was an odd way to set the elections, but we had no say in how it was done. I am unaware of all the ways the district promotes the elections.

Your concerns about the four day week are similar to mine. If the levy had passed, I doubt we would have considered going to a four day week yet. I wish we had more time to study the idea and how to best implement it. Throughout the discussion about the levy we said if the levy failed we would probably have to go to the four day week to save as much money as possible. One estimate is that we can save about $1,100 for each day we are not in school. One problem I think we have had is convincing patrons that we have made numerous cuts and that we really needed the money to cover expenses. I think if the school year looks different, and they can see the lay offs we have made, we will have followed up and made all the changes we said we would have to make. The state wanted our school calendar in May to verify that we are following the required hours of class. We are going to discuss this at our board meeting this week. I think we will have to vote on it Thursday, and probably give it a try. I don't think in the long run a four day week is the best way to teach kids. I am concerned how many students we might loose, but if they go to Shelley,the lower grades will have a much larger number of students in their classes than we will have. If we don't go forward with all the changes we said we would have to make, I think we will loose credibility with the patrons, that we didn't really need the money as bad as we indicated. I think it helps us with the teachers  and other staff, the more we can save, or try to save, maybe we can prevent some of the future cuts we may have to make if we stayed at the five day schedule.

I don't think the board has any desire to consolidate with another district. I think it would be the worst possible thing that could happen to our district. Our taxes would go way up and our representation would go way down. I am concerned if we can't maintain the required contingency fund or show our schools can succeed in student achievement with less staff, we could be forced into consolidation. The community, board and our staff needs to work together and make sure this doesn't happen.

Most high school teachers at least won't have to worry about the lay offs effecting them. My understanding is you can only lay off teachers that you can cover their classes with other teachers. You can't lay off a tenured teacher and bring someone else in to take their place at a lower pay. So for example, if a teacher teaches an advanced math class that no one else in the district is certified to teach, that teacher really has no worries about getting laid off. But if they choose to leave, we will have to hire another certified teacher to teach that class.

I know you had more questions and concerns, but I am waiting for an email so I know for sure the best way to give you your answers, as I am still learning too. I wanted to make sure I sent you what I could so you could read this before our board meeting. I will answer most of the rest of your questions as soon as I can. I plan on using this blog to relay information to the public after our board meetings or when patrons have questions. Thank you for your input. Let me know if you have further questions and I will do my best to answer them. I have learned a lot over the last few months and have more to learn going forward.

Brian Esplin

Answer Questions

I thought I would give a little background as to why I decided to try and answer questions. I serve on the National Dairy Board, a group of 36 dairymen from accross the country that manages the national check off funds. An issue came up in a meeting this past winter that I had a real problem with. I had a long list of questions, I met with the Pesident of the board and he gave me very political non answers. I became very frustrated with the response I recieved from the leadership. I was told by other board members that the leadership didn't like to give direct answers to tough questions.
So through all this I can understand patrons getting frustrated not getting their questions answered. Since I am one who can provide some answers I feel that I should. I may not know the answers to all the questions, but will try and find out and respond. But one thing as I have said before, this is from me, I don't speak for the whole board. I will try and answer questions as direct and honest as I can. On some things people might want to know, may be confidentual, and I won't be able to respond to these type of questions. Thank you, Brian

Friday, June 3, 2011

Not as easy as I thought it would be

I am a slow learner. I messed things up several times trying to get this set up right. One thing I want to make clear. What I post on this is my thoughts only I don't speak for the whole board. I meant to have a little different web address that didn't sound like this was from the board directly, but I messed setting it up so it will have to stay as it is. I will post more when I think someone is out there reading it.

My first blog

I will try and post my thoughts about what is going on at our board meetings, and other thoughts I may have. I get questions about what is going on, this way I can communicate easier with more people.