Friday, October 14, 2011

October 13th School Board Meeting

This was another very poorly attended meeting. I think counting the administrators, and newspaper reporters there were fifteen people in attendance. Maybe there are some that would have come that are still in the potato harvest. Maybe it's a good sign that patrons think things are going good and don't feel the need to come. Or lastly maybe there are those out there that just like to wait for my blog to tell them what happened and that's good enough. It does make me wonder why we have the meetings in the high school auditorium with so few in attendance.
Well here goes my summary.
We approved the audit report that was presented at our last meeting. As I said last time the auditor was very pleased with how things looked, and thought our business manager did a great job with the financial records.
Jeff Gee presented some results of a survey that is on the district web site about the interest the students might have in wanting to have other sports or activities that are not currently offered in our school. It is a good survey but so far there has not been much response to it yet. I would encourage everyone to have a look at it. This was done mostly with the idea in mind if there was interest in starting a girls soccer team. There was a couple girls that went to Aberdeen to participate with their team and they had a lot of fun and did well there, but the families would much prefer having a soccer program in Firth. Later in the patron comment period Paul Jensen presented some information about the idea of having a soccer team. He said he himself had a list of 19 girls in high school that would be interested in having a soccer team. There is no 2A soccer program in the state so if we had a program they would compete with the 3A teams. North Fremont and Aberdeen have 2A teams now that compete against the 3A teams. The most that can be on a team is 18 so it sounds like there is enough interest in soccer to consider starting a team. There had been concern that this would hurt cross country, but Mr. Jensen said he talked to a coach and he said in some ways it would help the cross country. In North Fremont the soccer team basically is the cross country team. Another concern that came up and kind of leads to the next item of discussion is that the only place big enough to have a soccer field is behind the elementary.
The cemetery board presented a proposal to the board to buy some ground, up to .66 acres, the school owns by the cemetery so they can expand the cemetery. They don't have any more plots to sell, and are having a hard time coming up with more ground to expand on. One of my concerns is if we sell them the ground, will it make it so we wouldn't have enough room for a soccer field. They offered to pay somewhere between $3000 and $5000 for the property depending on the size we would sell them. Later in the public comment period there was some comments made in support for us selling them the property. We discussed this issue in executive session. After our discussion and when we went back into general session, we decided we need more public input and needed to know if this would interfere with a soccer field, we will discuss this more next month and would like to know what patrons think about this. Another issue in having a soccer field that I didn't mention is it would mess up the AYSO fields also, so they would have to be moved somewhere too. At the end of her presentation about buying the property for the cemetery she mentioned they could acquire the land by eminent domain. I think the threat of that kind of bothered some of us. I hope a resolution can be found without going that far.
We discussed the school board meeting procedure and changed it a little from the draft so we will vote on it next month. I think it is a good plan that most patrons can support. When it is approved it will be posted so all can read it at the meetings.
We went over our school board goals again. April thought we needed to emphasize that our number one goal is to provide the best education to the students as possible, and I agreed with her so they are changing the list a little and adding another item so it to will be discussed again next month.
We went over a couple first readings of board policy changes. One requiring those wishing to run for the school board to have the ballots in nine weeks before the election instead of five that it used to be. And another policy about providing public records to those who request them.
We then had public comment which I already talked about. One other concern was a request to get feed back sooner on the four day week. I think they will try and get some feed back at the parent teacher conference coming up.
We then went into executive session and  discussed the cemetery proposal and Mr. Tubbs goals.
After we went back into general session a few more items were discussed. I asked how many students we got from open enrollment the administrators thought 15. I asked if there were any issues with these students, and I think so far it has been positive without any problems, which was good to hear because I know there was concern we would have problems. I was always a strong supporter of open enrollment, as long as we followed the guidelines set up by the administration.
One last issue that I brought up was the change made regarding field trips. I had heard and it was confirmed at the meeting that the school will no longer have any field trips even if they were able to get donations to go on them. The only field trips allowed will be educational field trips that directly relate to the class work, like the FCCLA or BPA might need to go on. I wasn't aware of this change until it was told to me by a patron. The explanation given by Mr. Tubbs was it wasn't fair to some groups to go on field trips that could get donations and not let others go on them that couldn't get the money. He is concerned also with the four day week, having kids miss class time. And also he thinks that is what the patrons want. He thinks failing to pass two levies in part meant patrons thought spending money on activities like field trips was a waste of money, and patrons didn't like the idea of groups asking for money for field trips. He said things can be brought into the school but students would not leave. I can understand his concerns on some of these issues, but I strongly disagreed going this far. I especially have a hard time denying the elementary students going on their year end field trips. I wish this could have been brought up sooner for discussion, and we would have been allowed input into this change. I do want to emphasize this is my opinion, I do not speak for anyone else. The school used to get funding from the state to support field trips, but that was completely dropped last year. I do hope sometime in the future the state will better fund schools and some of this type of funding can be restored.
Well it is late and I again have said a lot more than I thought I would. If you have and questions or comments let me know. Thank you. Brian
P.S. I may not be able to attend the next board meeting. I have a state dairy board convention going on the night of the next meeting. So if you are one that just waits for me to write my blog to find out what went on at the meeting, next time you probably better go and find out first hand what is said.

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