Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Summary of Proposed Committee Changes

Proposed Committee Changes

  1. Change name from Superintendent Advisory Committee to School Board Advisory Committee.
  2. The board member who serves on each committee becomes the chair of each committee. The chair, working with the staff over the committee, helps to develop the agenda and becomes familiar with topics that need to be discussed.
  3. Change from an informational distribution type committee to a true advisory committee. Give committees limited decision making authority that then gets presented to the full board for approval or disapproval.
  4. The board member and staff would be able to recruit anyone to participate on the committees. Leave committees very open to anyone with a desire to serve.
  5. All committees need to have access to information to easier understand budget details.
  6. Each committee should meet regularly, at least quarterly, or as often as committee members think it is necessary. Each committee reports to the full school board what has been discussed following each committee meeting.
  7. Any specific information (not considered confidential) that may apply to each committee’s purpose should be available upon request from committee members.
This is a summary of the ideas of how I want to change the committees. If anyone has any questions, I would be willing to explain any of these points in detail. I plan on presenting this at our board meeting next week, and will print some copies to hand out at the meeting. I hope I can get enough support to make these changes. I believe these changes would be a big improvement from how they are run now. If the board is unwilling to accept changing the committees, I will make a motion to discontinue them all together, and just have the administration hand out the same type of information at board meetings that they have handed out at the committee meetings in the past. In my opinion the way they have been run, it has been a waste of time for all those involved. Thank you and I hope to see as many of you as possible at next weeks meeting. Brian

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