Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April 11, 2013 Board Meeting

We had a work session starting at about 6:30 to discuss the superintendent evaluation for the future. We decided on a rough format to what we think should be in the evaluation. Rather than go through all the details, Bart and April volunteered to further develop the evaluation and present their ideas in the next meeting. 

We were given two drawings of ways to improve the parking area between the high school and the seminary building. The trees would be removed and a cement barrier would be put in possibly similar to the cement and brick barriers by the highway. Costs would have to be evaluated. The barrier would block off a bus loading area, which would greatly improve safety. There was also the idea to have the bus lane in front of the high school, but seemed less acceptable. I like the idea of having it between buildings. Some small trees might be planted too.

Mr. Tubbs gave us some information that will effect our school budget for next year. He said because of sequestration our federal funding that funds some of our aides will be reduced. It seems as if the government is trying to make political points wherever they can. When they know more details we will have to decide how to deal with the cuts. He also told us our employee insurance costs were going to go up 13.2%. Last years increase was surprisingly  small. I don't know the dollar impact to the district, but it will be substantial.  

In board meeting Mr.Tubbs read the retirement notifications of Kim Williams who has taught for 39 years, and Dianna Pearson who has taught for 29 years. They will be missed. Now the process will begin to find their replacements. 

We then had a discussion about the school calendar for next year. Because of when the holidays fall, it is difficult to have the year end before Memorial Day, and not start real early. Of the four options given to us the most popular option with the board was close to the same as this year. There has been a suggestion to add a couple more days to the calendar and reduce a few minutes each day. The preferred plan would be to start on Monday August 12th and end Thursday May 22nd. This would add two days and take away six minutes. Giving the teachers two more days to go through the lesson material is thought to be beneficial. After some discussion during public comment there was concern starting so early, but also support. There were other options discussed. I later requested calendar options that have school starting on August 19th ending the same day. To do this we would have to add the two days back, and have the same length of day as this year. It was suggested we could add back in a teacher's inservice day, the day after Labor Day. We decided against adding this day back last year because of attendance concerns during fair week. We then would have to add one more day or equivalent minutes, by either going a few more minutes each day or going to school on one Friday. I can live with these options but will not support going after Memorial Day. This will be further discussed at our next board meeting.

The senior class president then asked for approval for them to go on their senior sneak. They requested to travel to lagoon on May 22 returning that night. It sounded like they had things planned out well, and their trip was approved. 

I then went over items discussed at April and my cottage meeting. The parking area concerns which I already discussed. There was concern about the challenges the kindergarden and first grade teachers have in their classrooms when their usual aide is not able to be in their room assisting them when expected. I didn't think a substitute was brought in if an aide was sick, or excused for whatever reason, but I was told they do have substitutes. There are times when they aren't able to be there for other reasons. I suggested trying to get parents to assist if possible, if they knew ahead of time when these occasions would occur.

I talked about the need to have security cameras in the middle school and elementary.  Mr. Tubbs said the management team would evaluate the cost and prioritize the needs of the district. With such a tight budget, I think if funded it would have to come out of the student occupied fund. The same budget we used to fund the bleachers. We also need to update the strategic plan.

I mentioned there was still concern about the school dress code and cell phone use. I also mentioned the challenges of having our administrators spread so thin. The web site issues were discussed. Our school tech person has been very busy and getting the website updated has been a challenge. I also brought up the issue of having some middle school kids attending classes in the high school. On most occasions the students are coming and going at a little different times than the high school, so the administration didn't think there should be much direct interaction. I then mentioned the idea of having a suggestion box for patrons to provide input to the board. The idea was made that it would be good to put a box in each building. I think this would be worth a try to see how much and what kind of input we would receive. I will probably need to follow up on this idea.

We then went over a couple policy updates. We also approved a date change for our June board meeting, from Thursday the 13th, to Wednesday the 12th. There is a conflict for our business manager on the 13th. She has to attend a meeting that day, and June is when she presents the proposed budget for the year. 

I am currently at a meeting in Boise for a dairy board I'm on called the Western States Dairy Trade Association. This group consists of associations representing 12 western states that deals with issues like immigration, environmental, animal welfare, and many other similar issues. I have been on this board for several years, and at this meeting I was elected to be the group's president. I think I will be in Washington DC during our scheduled June school board meeting, lobbying our congressional delegation about issues such as pending immigration reform. I also will be attending a meeting with another national dairy group. 

I hope this information is of benefit. If you have any questions or concerns let me know. Thanks, Brian 


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