Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Athletic Program Revenue and Expenses

Athletic Revenue and Expense Update

I mixed up some numbers on my last blog that I would like to correct. I also have more information to share. I said football netted $2,000 and basketball $6,000. I stated them basically backwards. I asked Mr. Gee for a correct accounting of the athletic programs. The final numbers on track and softball are estimates, since they don't have all the bills in yet.

               2013-2014 Revenues vs Expenses
           Revenue          Expense         Difference
FB       14,179.09        8,917.20         5,261.89
VB         5,188.46        9,984.44        (4,795.98)
XC         3,254.00        1,752,49         1,501.52
SOC      1,125.00         3,738.70       (2,613.70)
WRT      1,954.36         8,598.82       (6,644.46)
GBB    13,856.51        13,809.87             46.64
BBB    17,134.75        15,126.19         2,008.56
SFTB     1,000.00          1,680.00           (680.00)
BASE     1,700.00          2,430.00           (730.00)
TRK       1,200.00           2,502.02        (1,302.02)
CHEER  1,200.00           3,921.86        (2,721.86)

Total net loss on athletics $10,669.41

This explains why the district is asking for an increase in fees and for the athletes to pay for their own hotel rooms. I don't think this accounts for all the fundraising teams have to do for equipment and other costs. One football helmet costs $250. Wrestling has entrance fees to pay for tournaments and doesn't receive much revenue. Basketball's gross revenue is high from gate receipts, but expenses are high partly because they travel a lot more. Football expenses are lower in relation to revenue than basketball, mainly because they don't travel as much. I appreciate all those who volunteer a lot of their time to support our teams. I also appreciate all our coaches who put in so much work with little or no pay. I know we have had a supply of good hard working athletes, but it requires an equally hard working dedicated group of coaches to maximize the kids talents. Thanks to all our coaches. It was a truly amazing year for our school athletic programs.

1 comment:

  1. Why increase all fees when a few sports create the biggest losses. Wrestling, volleyball, and cheer should increase their costs not all sports. The thing about rooms is who becomes liable and responsible for the athletes?
