Wednesday, September 6, 2017

My Thoughts About Our School Buildings

I have resisted commenting on this issue, but now I feel compelled to comment. I understand there are some patrons in our school district that would like us to build a new high school. I think the idea is to abandon our elementary building. There has been statements that our elementary building is no longer worth maintaining. If we as a school board had considered the building to old and in poor enough shape not to reinvest in its maintenance, do you think we would have asked for a Supplemental Levy to replace the original boiler? The boiler was just installed right before school started. Do you think we would have authorized the funds to replace the tar and gravel roof, with a new rubberized long lasting roof? Both of these items cost somewhere around $300,000 together. There has been other updates recently too, like adding a fiber optics system to the building and a new and improved entryway, among other things. I personally can't think of a more irresponsible thing to do with the patrons money than to ask for funding for these improvements only to now consider abandoning the building. 

For me there are really only two logical reasons to consider a new building. One is if the student population has outgrown the size of the facilities. The other reason is if the buildings aren't structurally sound. First, we currently have plenty of room in all our buildings. Second the buildings including the elementary are in good shape. Their are no structural issues with the elementary. It's a solid old building. We replaced the roof and the boiler. There are no other major repairs needed that I'm aware of. It's ironic that the worst roof leaking problems were in the very newest part of the building, which by the way was built, I think around 1990, so not that old at all. 

The building with the most current issues is probably the middle school. It is to the age that some major repairs need done, or items replaced. There are a lot of original furnaces that are now on a schedule to be replaced over the next few years. The original shingle roof has had some leaking problems and will soon need to be replaced. There are some leaks around the berm along the building that need fixed. All of these things are normal for a twenty plus year old building. These items are funded through our Plant Facilities Levy funds, and our non student and student occupied funds we are required to set aside each year. 

I have no real idea what a new building would cost, but I can imagine a new high school with the addition of a new gym and auditorium being very expensive. I very much question that our small school district could afford such a building. 

The School Board followed the recommendation of the Strategic Planning Committee when we requested the support of the patrons for our $230,000 Supplemental Levy. To now change course and abandon a very good old building and waste all the taxpayers money, to me would be totally irresponsible, and I wouldn't support it. Only two of us are still on the board that were on the board at the time we requested the Supplemental Levy. I feel accountable for the decisions made, and still think we made the right decision. 

1 comment:

  1. I found out today that the total cost of the boiler was $176,000. It has a thirty year warranty. The roof repairs were closer to $150,000. The roof has a twenty year warranty. After walking through the building today, I'm even more convinced that for a building built in 1961, added on in the late 1970's, and again in 1990, it's in great shape. Approximately only half of the classrooms are needed for students. I see absolutely no reason to consider replacing it, or any other building for many years to come.
