Monday, April 30, 2012

Cottage Meeting April 25th

I was happy to have a good group at April's and my cottage meeting. Not counting myself there were 18 in attendance. I started out talking about my meeting with Senator Bair, which I have talked about in the previous post. I talked about not really knowing yet how our this years school budget would end up. I talked some about the things we have had to cut, like summer school, and with less teachers how we can't offer as many electives as we would like. I asked as we look forward are these the kind of things patrons would be willing to fund a Levey for. I really don't like the idea of not offering summer school anymore. I understand how summer school can help some kids get caught up in their reading skills. I know this from experience. I was young September born boy. I was also very stubborn and hated to read. I would just pretend to read in class which worked for awhile. Probably just long enough to get me behind in school. I remember having to go to summer school in Shelley to take reading lessons from Mrs. Berg. I can't remember how many years I had to do this, but it did have the desired effect on me. I am still not a big reader, but I was able to improve my skills to catch up with my class. If I hadn't had the opportunity to be in a summer reading program, I probably would have struggled all through school.

Well back to the meeting. We have three high school teachers teaching in the middle school to cover the reduced staff we have there. Because of this we can't offer as many electives as we would like to in the high school. I hope at some point we are able to receive more funding so we can provide more opportunities in the high school. If not before, I hope when the middle school bond levy expires in I think 2014, we can ask for a levy to better fund our schools. The bond is for I think $250,000 a year. That much would go a long ways toward improving our funding.

I talked some about my concerns how the online program might be harder on our budget through lost ADA funding. Having to pay someone outside our school to provide these classes. And the challenge of having someone able to help the kids with these classes.

We talked about the stories going around about someone in the high school selling prescription drugs. There were a lot of stories but not much facts. I hadn't heard anything from the school directly about this. There was some concern about if our school policies were followed dealing with this issue. But again, I didn't know so I couldn't comment. I have struggles to get information on matters like this. I think I should be well aware of these type of issues so when asked I can respond appropriately. I do have an update on this matter. I talked to Mr. Tubbs and he filled me in a lot more. My understanding is at least one student was giving some pain medication to other students that were complaining of being in pain. I don't know if any money changed hands or if the students involved truly understood how illegal this is. The police were called in, and they investigated this issue, so it's up to the authorities how this is dealt with. I would like to think this would be a good wake up call for these students, to set them straight.

There was a lot of comments about the discipline problems in mostly the middle school. Students seem to have little respect for some of the teachers and substitute teachers. There was talk of fights going on during the school day, and complaints that not much was being done about it. I won't get into a lot of  details that were brought up regarding this, but there is a growing concern among many how bad this is getting and what to do about it. There were stories how cell phone use in the high school is getting out of hand. A lot of students are texting in class, and someone said a mother called her daughter on her phone during class. The teacher would ask for the phone and the student would refuse to give it to her. There was concern that a lot of these problems were caused because of a lack of parent involvement and  the lack of discipline and respect taught from their homes. There was a discussion of ideas of how to teach kids to have more respect for others. There was also concern about what the school policies are on matters like this, and if they are followed, and if discipline is applied fairly between students. April and I plan on studying this better ourselves to see if we need to have better defined policies. There was also concern brought up how many times when a school administrator was needed to deal with these issues they were not in the building. I think most of this problem is because of the multiple duties our administrators have.

There was a suggestion that Title I money could be spent to better educate parents about discipline matters in the grades K-8. I need to understand more about this funding. I have been reading some information about the use of these funds that was sent to me. I do know this money has been cut too. I will have questions about this during our next board meeting, so I can understand how we use this fund.

There was also a concern about the school dress policy. Some were saying kids are coming to school dressed very inappropriately, and that not much was being done about this. I need to find out how the school handles this also and if we need to encourage better compliance and enforcement.

I asked about the school calendar for next year. Those present seemed to support the original plan that was presented by the calendar committee. There were many objections to the idea of going to school after Memorial Day.

There was concerns that in some classes  teachers aren't getting through the curriculum fast enough, especially math classes. Those who brought this up think it is because of not adjusting very well to the four day schedule. This is very important in many ways, one being that students need to be at a certain point in the year before they take the ISAT tests. If they are behind they won't understand all the concepts that are tested.

Another follow-up from my last post about Pay For Performance. When I talked to Mr. Tubbs, he assured me what we have done following the state plan this year is okay. There won't be an issue of not developing this plan further as a district. If we want to do our own plan which I think we do we will have to work on this pretty soon for next year. Some of what Mr. Tubbs said about this is very different than what Senator Bair said. I plan on investigating this further to better understand how this works and reconcile for myself the differences in what I was told.

During the meeting some parents expressed concern their children were not getting the proper help they need to succeed in school. They felt the school was slow to react to resolve the problems they were having. I hope this situation will improve and will try and encourage a better response to these parents.

There were a couple more things brought up in private that April and I plan on dealing with during a board executive session.

I feel like it was a good meeting and I am glad we did it. I think most present thought it was worth their time. I assured everyone we would follow-up on the concerns that were brought up. I think the input we received will provide a good board discussion at our next meeting. Thank you. Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Brian Esplin


  1. Mr. Esplin,

    I am a patron of the Firth School District and one of my biggest problems and concerns for my children in school is the way they are treated by other students because they are not a part of the prominent religion in Firth. My children have had problems with being bullied and called names because of this. I think one thing that really needs to be addressed in the entire community is how the non-LDS are treated in Firth. This is a big problem and a big concern to me. I know most of the community is LDS so we don't see it as a problem. However, often it is the children of prominent LDS members in the community that are causing the problem and it is not being addressed in the same manner that it would be addressed if there was a "known troublemaker" causing the problem. I also think Love and Logic as a form of discipline in the middle school is unacceptable. I would love to be able to make it to some of the community meetings and school board meetings but again the Firth community caters to stay at home parents or parents who work a regular schedule. Both my husband and I work schedules where we often don't get home until 8:00 in the evening. When the high school had the assembly for sexting and they wanted parents there, I didn't have enough time to readjust my schedule so I could make it. I think that 10 years ago we had one of the best districts in SE Idaho. There have been many changes and not many for the good of the district or the community. I think the school board needs to answer a lot of questions about where money has been spent in the past. I feel that the school board has become the good ole boys club and they are more in it for themselves than to help the students in the district. I think there needs to be a lot of changes and I think that the minority population needs to be considered more often.

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      I hope that you check and are able to read this. I am LDS and want you to know that you are not alone in your feelings on how things are being run. Most of the LDS that I associate with will agree with what you have had to say.

      I however believe that the issues we have are not that of an LDS vs non-LDS issue. I firmly believe that Firth School District has many problems . . unaccountably, entitlement, non-transperency, and education standards far below where they should be.

      We have teachers scared of losing their jobs, and thus not teaching where they should be. We have a lot of very good teachers and people in our district, but the good are going to leave when they are scared of losing there jobs, scared of not getting the needed back-up, and worried about all the other garbage going on.

      I believe that these issues are symptoms of one problem. We have a superintendent who either does not know what he is doing or is too lazy to carry through and make the tough decisions that need to be made. Too make it worse we have two school board members that won't question him or make him do his job. These three individuals are very non-transparent, and in being such makes them appear to be "good ole boyish". They refuse to research and look at any ideas that would bring change or success to our schools. They are condescending and rude not only at meetings but when concerns are brought to them. (This is not a hearsay comment- I have been to meetings, have raised concerns outside of meetings and have dealt with them personally on several issues.)

      I also firmly believe that we have several REALLY GOOD school board members and an administrator that are trying to be transparent, making people accountable, asking the right questions, and trying to make positive changes.

      I believe that if we were to be able to come together and vote the "good ole boys" out, AND make our Superintendent do his job, or get a new one, everything would change. The issues would start to get resolved really quickly.

      I too have had a child bullied, and my heart goes out for you. It is a very difficult issue to deal with.

      Basic line. I don't want to you feel that you are alone in your thinking, my heart goes out to you on so many levels, but let's get active, let's get behind the good and vote out the bad. Realize you have spoken what so many people have been afraid to say. Keep working on making change!

  2. I would just like to comment as a community member that is pretty involved in the school district that I disagree with you on the aspect of the good ole boys club. I am not exactly sure what people mean when they say that. I have been involved in different committees as well as served as the PTO President for going on 3 years now, and been a substitute teacher mostly at the elementary school. I have had children in all 3 schools and currently have one at the high school and 2 in the elementary school When you become involved and work more closely with the schools, you find that perhaps things aren't always what they seem from the outside and that things definitely are not always black and white. When you learn how things operate, you realize that there are many things that happen within public education that are dictated by higher sources such as your state and federal govt. I am amazed at the regulations and hand tying that our govt. puts on our education system. Money has to go to certain places and cannot be used at the discretion of the board or administrators, teachers must be certified in anything that they teach, so an English teacher isn't "qualified" to run a debate class unless he/she is "certified" to teach debate, the teachers have to teach everything so that end result will show a positive result in ISAT tests, etc. It is crazy! We have some really good people working in our school district and on our board. There is always room for improvement, but I think that you will find that anywhere. I have seen the amount of hours that our teachers, staff, administrators and board members put into our school. I am sad that too many people are only willing to see the negative in our school rather than the positive because there is a lot of good things happening there. I spent 3 hours last month at a committee meeting with board members, teachers, administrators and parents to discuss ways to improve our school. Please remember that our board members are elected and doing this voluntarily. I encourage all that would like to see positive changes happening within our community and schools, to become involved and try to become part of a solution.


    Tonya Jolley
